Canada Ontario Job Grant (COJD)
COJG is a cost sharing program (worth up to $10,000), between employers and the government, to assist businesses that wish to give their employees enhanced training
Availability: Open
Eastern Ontario Development Program (EODP)
The program supports rural eastern Ontario communities to pursue the creation of a competitive and diversified regional economy through investment in economic development, small business growth, job creation and community innovation. Funding contributions to all Eligible Project Recipients will be up to 50% of total Eligible Costs, to a maximum of $100,000 per Eligible Project Recipient.
Deadline: January 31, 2018
Canada Summer Jobs
The Canada Summer Jobs (CSJ) program helps employers create valuable summer job opportunities for full-time students between the ages of 15 and 30, while strengthening local economies and communities across Canada. This program assists employers in hiring students for summer employment, with up to 50% of wages paid for.
Deadline: February 2, 2018 at 11:59 p.m. Pacific Standard Time (PST)