April 27, 2015

Fleming College Training

Lean Plus

Lean Six Sigma is a management tool that eliminates waste, focuses on value-added work and creates a road map to identify and implement improvements. Its manufacturing-based roots now empower companies of all types, such as consumer product companies, municipalities, health care organizations and service providers, to create leaner work flows and deliver greater value to customers. Lean Six Sigma will give your organization a big-picture instrument that can systematically

Lean Plus combines training and certification in Lean Six Sigma with training in innovative leadership, transformational change and continuous improvement.  Combining training, coaching and an applied project ensures exceptional results and an innovative learning experience. The program incorporates both White Belt and Green Belt Certification Options.

Manufacturing Operations Certificate

This certificate has been designed in consultation with leading manufacturing industry partners in response to the changing dynamic of the manufacturing industry in the global marketplace. The program provides relevant, up-to-date and practical training for manufacturing employees in promoting a culture of lean processes and continuous improvement, building more effective work teams, and enhancing individual responsibility for manufacturing processes.

The curriculum is delivered in intensive periods, either on-site at a specific manufacturing company or on campus, in a series of interconnecting modules. New concepts are boosted with frequent applied learning activities. Problem-solving, critical thinking, and effective communication are major components of the program.

PEAK Leadership

Whether you are new to a leadership role or have been doing this for a long time, this training is uniquely designed to propel you to new heights in leadership performance. This is achieved through a combination of applied projects, peer-to-peer learning, highly experienced facilitators and in-depth coaching. Content includes communications, ethics, performance management, change management, teambuilding, planning, and project management. Participants will emerge from this training with the skills needed for P.E.A.K. Leadership – Positive. Effective. Applied. Knowledgeable.

The coaching process throughout this training will support each participant in achieving a specific personal or professional goal. It will provide positive support, feedback and advice and help embed the learning that is happening throughout the program. This is a proven effective way to develop valuable leadership competencies such as adaptability, self-awareness, collaboration and network thinking.


Deborah Clifford
Manager, Continuing Education and Workforce Development
Fleming College